Wintersemester 20/21


Applied Labour Economics (Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung)

  • Jun.-Prof. Daniel Kühnle
Winter Semester 2020/2021


We will have weekly Zoom lectures on Tuesdays from 16:00 – 17:30. The introductory event takes place on 12.10.2021. Weekly Zoom class exercises complement the lecture and take place after the lecture from 17:45 – 19.15. The first class exercise will take place on 19.10.2021.

Learning Targets:

The aim of the course is to provide students with the skills to competently interpret, evaluate and question labour market studies. By means of given data sets, the students will learn to independently apply different econometric methods to current issues in labor market economics. The students understand to use quantitative methods in a differentiated way, to develop hypotheses, and to test these empirically. By independently working on the computer (STATA), the students will be enabled to independently to develop empirical research designs, econometric analyses, and to prepare the results. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to evaluate empirical work critically.


1. Gender wage gap
2. Returns to education
3. Labour supply of married women
4. Effects of a job training program
5. Unemployment benefits and job quality
6. Welfare effects of unemployment benefits



Solid knowledge of microeconometrics and regression analysis is required.


Please enroll on Moodle if you intend to take this module. Email Prof. Kuehnle for the password.

Degree program eligibility

Students from the following master degree programs can enroll in the seminar:
Gesunheitsökonomik, Märkte und Unternehmen, and Volkswirtschaftslehre.

Grading and ECTS

Course grades will be based on a term paper (max. 15 pages, 70% of grade) and a presentation (30 minutes, 30% of grade). Topics, content and submission date for the term paper and presentation will be announced during the module. 6 ECTS points are granted for this course, meaning you have to invest approximately 180 hours of workload into this course. A substantial part is for your individual reading of the required literature and for thoroughly preparing your term paper.
